
Why Companies Like Loop Health Are Essential to the Communities They Serve

Why Companies Like Loop Health Are Essential to the Communities They Serve

8 min read

Why We Created Loop Health

Did you know that minority populations in the United States are more likely than Whites to experience chronic mental health disorders with more severe symptoms? Yet, white adults (16.6%) seek mental health services more frequentlythan Black (8.6%), Hispanic (7.3%), and Asian (4.9%) adults. That means many people of color are battling with mental health issues but are not receiving the care they need. This is often due to difficulty locating a therapist of the same cultural background, the stigma around mental disorders in some minority communities, or even financial constraints. 

We created Loop Health to bridge that gap. We understand that just like everyone else, people of color need to have more access to mental health services that can enhance their overall quality of life and well-being. And for these individuals to be more willing to seek help, they want to be able to easily locate therapists of their unique cultural backgrounds, people who understand them. Loop Health makes all of that possible. 

Whether you are Asian, Black, or Hispanic, Loop Health matches you with a licensed therapist from your culture who is experienced in dealing with the unique issues you are facing.

But beyond that, we also recognize that wholesome living involves not only mental health care but prioritizing your physical health as well. We created Loop Health to enable people of color to access free self-care resources on fitness, diet, stress management, and more, alongside mental health experts from the same cultural backgrounds. Everything is tailored for minority communities.

At Loop Health, our aim is to build a culturally competent online therapy platform that understands, respects and celebrates our clients’ unique backgrounds.

Why Companies Like Loop Health are Essential to the Communities They Serve

Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health Among Minority Communities

Stigma of mental health is a common theme among many minority communities in the US. Sadly, it started so long ago and has been passed from generation to generation that it has become ingrained in these cultures. 

For example, the root of mental health stigma among black people can be traced back to the times of slavery. It was believed that these enslaved people were naturally not open to depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric conditions. 

“From those historic misconceptions, we learned to ignore mental illness or call it other terms, like ‘stress’ and ‘being tired,'”, said Christine M. Crawford, MD, MPH, a black psychiatrist.

When depression is described with such terms, it causes people to underestimate its far-reaching impact.

Such beliefs have been passed on to the extent modern black people now consider psychiatric disorders as a personal weakness, something embarrassing. 63% of Black people believe that a mental health condition is a sign of personal weakness.

Even Martin Luther King Jr. refused psychiatric treatment, although he reportedly suffered from severe depression.

Also, many Asian cultures place a high value on public image. So, individuals may not acknowledge their mental health challenges as it may bring shame to their family and reputation.

But platforms like Loop Health are changing this narrative. We are creating awareness among these minority populations to help them realize they can talk to therapists who understand this stigma but still went ahead to study psychiatry in order to help members of their community who are averse to showing vulnerability.

Easy Access to Someone Just Like You

When you are in an environment with diverse ethnicities, won’t you feel so much better when you find someone from the same background to whom you can tell your personal issues? Someone who identifies with you and your unique challenges. Such a person will be attuned to the nuances of your daily life, your cultural disposition towards mental health, and the social pressures you face as a person of color living in the US.

It’s natural. A depressed Asian will find it easier to talk with an Asian therapist than one of another culture. The same applies to Blacks and Hispanics. It’s more like keeping it within the family. We understand these nuances and have created Loop Health to address that.

Wholesome Care for the Total Individual

We often focus so much on mental health care that we fail to address some underlying problems that may be nullifying our efforts. Things like diet and our level of activity can influence our mood and overall well-being. 

For example, did you know that consumption of ultra-processed foods can put you at risk of depression? Caffeine can also worsen ADHD symptoms. On the other hand, simple activities like yoga and regular exercises may be all you need to manage stress, combat your mental health issues, and feel happier overall. In short, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.

At Loop Health, we understand this, so we provide access to not only therapists but also dietitians and fitness coaches. You will also find free resources and tools to help you on your journey towards a higher quality of life. No matter where you are in your journey, platforms like Loop Health allow you to satisfy your physical and mental wellness needs all in one place.

Eliminating Subtle Bias and Mistrust

Youths of color with mental health issues are more likely to be sent to the juvenile justice system than to mental health care services. There’s obviously a subtle bias when dealing with ethnic minorities, and we don’t see it going away soon. Moreover, some people of color are hesitant to seek treatment for fear of being misdiagnosed because the psychiatrist holds a cultural stereotype, causing them to evaluate the patient’s situation subjectively rather than objectively. In fact, black men with symptoms of mood disorders or PTSD are more likely to be misdiagnosed with schizophrenia.

To alleviate such concerns, we require more than just the availability of providers; providers have to be skillful enough to address and mitigate the misgivings of the minority communities they serve.

Platforms like Loop Health acknowledge that. So, we don’t offer just any provider: our licensed specialists understand the concerns, bias, and mistrust that exist between psychiatrists and patients of color. Our aim is to provide a comfortable space where minority communities can receive culturally competent care devoid of judgment and ethnic bias.

Mental Health Issues Based on Cultural Nuances

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has declared racism a serious threat to public health that potentially increases the risk of poor health outcomes among people of color. Although racism isn’t as evident as it once was, we can’t deny that there are still subtle, systemic prejudices today. Such traumatic experiences can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression among victims.

Now, it is unlikely for such victims to consider seeking mental health care from a therapist who belongs to the perpetrator’s ethnic group, fearing a lack of understanding or empathy. 

Moreover, different ethnicities have varying cultures. As we have seen, culture can influence perceptions surrounding mental health. A therapist may be unable to acknowledge and validate the cultural beliefs of a patient from another ethnic group. This kind of situation may cause friction between the provider and client, with the client quitting therapy prematurely.

This is another reason platforms like Loop Health are essential to the communities they serve. By matching clients with providers within their own communities, the issue of cultural friction can finally be eliminated. And people in minority communities will be more open to mental health care when they see more providers of their race. This level of culturally competent care is something that simply improving the capacity of white mental health clinicians may be unable to solve.

The Bottom Line

As we can see, Loop Health and services like it are changing the narrative for mental health among ethnic minorities in the US. From culturally competent professionals to culturally sensitive content, we put all the resources you need for all-round wellness at your fingertips. 

And for licensed wellness professionals of color, Loop Health offers an avenue to reach more clients, people who need you the most.

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